Find the small things that make you smile!

 It’s not the first time I’m doing such an experience but the reality is that you’ll never be 100% ready. The first few days you’ll always miss your home, your people and you will feel lonely. I guess it is important to realise the normality of the process to avoid being overwhelmed by it. Here is the thing I’ll try to do in the next few days: I will try to find small things that make me smile, things that make me feel better and that remind me why I am here and why it is worthy to be here.  

As soon as I entered the meeting room for my welcoming meeting, I read this write on the board. It was meant to be for me but coincidentally it was exactly what I needed at that moment. “Nothing last forever!!”, I think that is something we should all remember when we begin a new path: with time everything gets smoother and easier. The sense of loneliness had fastly faded and for how much I miss my family and my home, I know I will find home here also.

Yesterday when I came back from work, I felt the need to draw something to make the house my home. So, I drew my family. I made my little family corner, and now everytime I enter my room, I never feel lonely again. I have always known my people were right beside me but having their “face” reminded me of it everyday.

I also started walking to the office and this allowed me to start getting into the ghanaian vibes from the early morning. Looking around, walking from shop to shop and through schools, facing the scary ghanian traffic make me feel part of the community morning start. I kind of feel we’re all starting our day together, we will do different things to then meet the following morning and shering the begging again.

Something that made me really happy is feeling slowly but surely part of this amazing team. Firstly because I feel we share the same values, and this picture that reminds me every day that we are all here to work in a people-centred, gender sensitive, committed and innovative way is my fuel everytime I feel weak.

Secondly, participating in many meetings allowed me to get to know every member of the team, getting familiar with how the organisation works, their role and their partnerships either with the community and with other NGOs.

Last but not least, something that makes me happy is sharing my lunch time with my colleagues. Not only do I get to know typical food but I also can chill with them by speaking about daily things that do not regard office work.

In pills, there will always be something that makes you smile, something that makes your stay easier, keep looking for these little things everyday of your new life, it will also make you more aware of your surroundings and your experience.

One step at the time I know I will feel home also here. 


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