Blog post August: Taking stock and some reflections

Blog post August: Taking stock and some reflections Now that I have completed my second month, I feel like I have a way better grasp of everything; my work, an established routine, what to eat and cook, getting around and also my social relationships. At work, I feel like the women have really opened up to me and see me less as a foreigner (though I’ll always remain the solemiye/the white woman to them haha) and more as a part of the team. They are indeed very protective over me and are always giving me advice. I credit the sheer amount of time I spend with them 6 days a week to this new found familiarity and one result of this is having gained insights into the cooperatives' “office politics”; now as an integrated part of the team, I witness the quarreling, the grudges and see the womens' unique character traits shine through. On the other side of the spectrum, managing customer relations with foreign clients can also get heated. In one occasion I had to act as the “...